da Vinci Middle School and High School

da Vinci High holds classes for our High School and Middle School students, grades 6-12. We boast small class sizes and an education tailored to the individual.

24-25 MS & HS AER

In - Person Learning with Focused Attention

da Vinci is uniquely equipped for unique individuals. Our team of caring teachers knows the transition grades are big one for kids, so we focus on each one as an individual.

Middle and high school is where we help students become the self-directed learners who are successful in college, work and life and who are reasonable, respectful and responsible citizens of a global society. Whether students want to move into college or prepare for a career, da Vinci can guide them to a prosperous future.

Virtual Learning

Our students enjoy the opportunity of online instruction to bring further individualization, especially for alternative students. Online instruction is led by highly qualified teachers who present lessons that are supported by online activities and aligned with the state's standards.  Our program is a great compliment for homeschooling families as well.  Virtual students can participate with the da Vinci community and attend events such as prom!

  • More than 10 years of virtual school success.
  • Virtual students complete more classes than typical enrollment.
  • Virtual students are 75% more successful at da Vinci.
  • Students are still able to connect with the school community.
  • Local teachers available for in-person meetings. 

Jackson Area Career Center

da Vinci partners with Jackson Area Career Center to provide vocational training for our students in 11th and 12th grade. Flexible scheduling and class structures allow students to attend either morning or afternoon sessions.

Dual Enrollment at da Vinci High School

Effective April 1, 1996, Public Act 160 and Public Act 158 of 2000, created the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act, commonly refereed to as dual enrollment.  This law directs school districts to assist students in paying tuition and fees for courses at Michigan public and private colleges and universities.  The following are some of the eligibility guidelines/standards:

  1. Students in grades 9-12 may take up to ten postsecondary courses.
  2. Students can qualify for dual enrollment by taking one of the following assessments:  PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, or SAT.
  3. Students must be enrolled in both the eligible school (public or private) and eligible post secondary institution during the local school's regular academic year and must be enrolled in at least one high school class.
  4. The college courses cannot be a hobby, craft, or recreation course, or in the subject of physical education, theology, divinity or religious education.
  5. School districts are required to pay an amount equal to the prorated percentage of the statewide pupil-weighted average foundation allowance, based on the proportion of the school year that the eligible students attends the eligible postsecondary institution.  Eligible charges include tution and mandatory course fees, material fees and registration fees required by an eligible institution for enrollment in the course.  Eligible charges do not include transportation of parking costs or activity fees.

If you believe you are eligible for dual enrollment, qualify for tuition and fee support, and wish to participate, contact Linda Miles by clicking the link below.

We partner with Jackson College and Spring Arbor University for our dual enrollment partnerships.

Email Ms. Linda

da Vinci Middle School & High School Administrative Team

Ms. Kristi


Ms. Kim


Ms. Linda

Assistant Principal

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